Watch as Family Connects Nurse, Barbara Ibrahim, shows CNN’s Medical Correspondent, Meg Tirrell, what a typical home visit looks like! CLICK TO WATCH
Family Connects International is dedicated to supporting families during those crucial early weeks after bringing a newborn home through our Nurse Home Visiting program. With the help of Family Connects nurses, we’re empowering parents and ensuring they have the resources they need to thrive.

See the Full Episode Here: FCI starts at 1:30

FC Oregon Nurse, Barb Ibrahim, visits with Amber and Matt Luman and their new daughter, Esserley.
Family Connects Highlighted In NPR Article!

Family Connects International is proud to celebrate our 2nd anniversary as a nonprofit organization in July! Over the past 2 years, we have remained committed to assisting our community partners in caring for newborns and their families through our universal nurse home visiting program! We want to thank our community partners, nurses, and staff for their dedication to the FCI mission of providing equitable care for newborns and families.
Special thanks to Welcome Baby of Durham, NC for the opportunity for the FCI team to commemorate this milestone meaningfully by volunteering. The FCI team sized and labeled maternity clothing as well as prepared information packets!

Nancy Segall (Clinical Director at Beyond the Baby Blues) and
Monica Mitchell (CDPH Public Health Administrator)
Monica Mitchell and Nancy Segall discuss the importance of maternal mental health and available resources to support mothers at a crucial time.